Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 6, Monday September 10, 2012

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.   Aristotle

Today I weighed in at half a pound from being down 60 pounds.  Who would ever imagine that I could accomplish that and still be going strong?  And to put the icing on the cake is the way I feel.  I truly feel like a new person.  I try to visualize how I’ll feel when I am down 75, 100, 150.  It almost seem unfathomable but yet I KNOW I will make it. 

This weekend Ron and I went up to Detroit Lake.  We bought my dad’s old travel trailer and decided it’s time to take it out and use it.  We haven’t been able to take a real vacation this summer because of the surgery.  So in the month of September we’re going to take several mini-vacations. 

On this camping trip I was noticing how much energy I had.  I’m the one that totally got the trailer loaded and brought things from the attic, basement, up and down stairs, in and out of the trailer, carrying heavy things.  I was amazing.  The difference was so noticeable that the second day of our trip even Ron commented that I really had a lot more energy and moved better.  I am so pleased with the progression I’m seeing.

One of the daily activities we’ve been trying to do is a good walk.  During our stay at Detroit Lake Ron and I walked all the different camping roads.  One of the park rangers talked to us and she said she uses a golf cart because they had 6 miles of paved roads in the campground. So we were able to walk a good distance and it felt good.

I’m trying to add a few more calories.  It’s not easy because I can only consume such a small amount at a time.  When you add in all the sipping of water it seems there’s just not enough time in the day to get it all in. 

Yesterday was my 6 week mark from surgery.  I’m down 22 pounds from the day of surgery and even more importantly it marks the day that I get to eat normal food now.  Of course I still have to make wise choices like low-fat, no sugar, little white bread, white rice, etc.  But now I’m not really restricted.  And one of the best things yet, I don’t have to take my gross pills sprinkled on yogurt.  It left such a bitter taste in my mouth.  So now I’m a big girl once again and able to swallow my pills.  I know this sounds like such a small thing but it was really scary the first couple of times.  They feel like they get stuck.  But I was successful and the bitter taste was gone and I’m very happy.

Here is a picture that Ron took Monday, September 10, 2012.  In the first picture I was being very silly and pretending to do some strange modeling poses and he caught me while I was cracking up.  The second is shortly after the first when he told me to change my shirt because the camera is shining on my breasts and he didn’t care for that.  LOL  I’ve lost so much boobs already that I’m not ashamed to flaunt what I have left.  :D

                                                           Monday September 10, 2012

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